No thought goes into the huge amount of skill experience and time that goes into programming the indicators/ea's/scripts etc it all comes down to making a quick dollar out of someone else's hard work and knowledge. IgnoredThere are a few coders on this forum who make design and code trading tools to sell and I have seen many examples of people who find nothing wrong in cracking the ex4 ( you only have to go onto eBay to see many examples of this ) and next thing you know that piece of software is for sell on some obscure website. Play around with it and you'll soon get the hang of how it works. In the iCustom function, you would then specify the buffer whose value you would like to return. When you hoover the mouse over a bar on the chart, the value for each buffer of each indicator can be seen in the Data Window. To see what the value is in each buffer, in MT4 open up the Data Window (Ctrl + D). You also need to know which buffer the values you are interested reside in. If you haven't used iCustom, do a search and you will find lots of info. There is a very fine line between copying and stealing but its a line everyone must understand and respect.To access the indicators you have the.ex4 files in an EA, use the iCustom function.

If Uber had merely reverse engineered a Waymo car (say from videos) plus used a little inside info from the engineer, its doubtful they would be in any touble and the engineer would not be facing any criminal charges. There is a huge gap between driverless vehicle code and a piece of crap MT4 program but the principle is the same. Now Uber is under a restraining order to stop development and the engineer is being investigated on criminal charges. They hired an engineer from Waymo to help develop a driverless vehicle.Waymo claims that the engineer used stolen code from his time employed there and reused the code at Uber. Just to remind you of the seriousness, consider the trouble Uber is now in. That is a serious and in many cases a criminal offence. It is not right for you to violate the restrictiins of the developer. That is his right, it took him lots of experience and effort to create something he considers valuable. If he declines it is possible that he wants to protect something. If you really want to see what a program does, ask the developer and he might give you a description for an extra charge. Reverse engineering on the other hand takes skill, experience and a lot of effort. Decompiling can be done by anyone with a computer. Reverse engineering is not the same as decompiling. But you show a lack of understanding of basic concepts. Spule, I dont have a problem with your English, I understand everything you said.