
Castle Shikigami 2
Castle Shikigami 2

Castle Shikigami 2

If you notice any product assigned to incorrect region on GG.deals, contact us and we will correct the listing as soon as possible. Before you buy Castle of Shikigami 2, please check the store page for any information about activation restrictions in your region. However, some shops don’t share information regarding regional locks in their product feeds and that can lead to some very occasional mistakes. We always try to make sure that price displayed in our comparison is assigned to the correct regions. If the price is still too high, create a price alert and receive an email notification when Castle of Shikigami 2 matches your budget! Does Castle of Shikigami 2 cd key activate in my region? Check the price history of the game to determine how good the deal is in relation to historical low offers. All offers already include discounts from vouchers to save you time and money. GG.deals aggregates game keys from over 40 digital distribution stores so you can find the best deals on video games. Plenty of Steam achievements and trading cards available.Two player simultaneous play (local only).Aim for a high score with the TBS (Tension Bonus System), which allows players to earn high scores by getting close to enemies or enemy bullets.5 stages in 2 parts (each stage x 2 parts + a boss in each part).

Castle Shikigami 2 Castle Shikigami 2

  • Fight using three types of attack methods: normal attack, shikigami attack, and special attack.
  • Castle Shikigami 2

    Enjoy the storyline with the different personalities of each of the seven (+1?) main characters!.Operates with 1P switching between characters, and you get the same demo as when there's 2P! Revamped enemy placement in all stages, lots of changes that will surprise even the most experienced! In between of total 5 stages, different demos (stories) will be played for each character, and when playing with two players, a completely different story unfolds depending on the combination of characters used, all of which are fully voiced (in Japanese). The unique backgrounds of each character are intricately intertwined, creating an interesting storyline for the shooter. The second installment of the dramatic shooter that gained popularity in the arcades is now coming to Steam with +α elements! Game OverviewPlayers choose one of seven (+1?) characters, each with different unique abilities, and use their shots, special Shikigami attack, and bombs to destroy the enemy. A variety of stories unfold around the god-hunting armaments housed in this gigantic castle. In 2006, a "twisted castle" suddenly appeared in the sky above Tokyo.

    Castle Shikigami 2